
Invitation to Bid (010-2016)

The United Iraqi Medical Society invite Medical suppliers to introduce their Financial and technical offers to provide the specified materials Attached to be supplied to the Medical Health center. BID delivery opened during the period 12/11/2016 until 3.00 pm Thursday 17/11/2016.

Information to bidders:

  1. Currency of offers should be in US Dollar.
  2. In case of any calculation error in the pricing of the offer, it will be disqualify and the supplier will be notify in an official letter.
  3. Offers shall be submit in one stamped and sealed envelope by the supplier.
  4. The offer will be valid (at least) for three weeks.
  5. Materials will be supply in one batch.
  6. Pay the agreed amount to the supplier in the form of two installments, the first installment of 50% and 50% the second after completing the processing of the contract
  7. The supplier committed by the conditions and specifications written in the offer and agreed on. In case materials provided do not conform to the agreed-upon specifications, the supplier must bear the cost of replacing those materials with the specified materials.
  8. Recourse to the courts in the case of supplier breaches of the contract conditions

Closing date will be on 17/11/2016. All offers shall be submitted in one stamped and sealed envelope to the bidding box inside the location of UIMS in Mansour/ Sec 609, St. 8, House # 18. And from outside of Iraq you can send it to the e-mail address:

For further information please contact 009647707779931.

Please press here to download the attachment and  here

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