
Through “We are with you” Campaign, emergency aid had been provided to the IDP families in Anbar and Salah Al-Deen

Through “We are with you” Campaign, emergency aid had been provided to the IDP families in Anbar and Salah Al-Deen

The international Islamic charitable organization (IICO) in Kuwait in cooperation with the United Iraqi Medical Society for Relief and development (UIMS) distributed 5000 food parcels (each parcels contains 16 items with weight of 30 KG) and 2000 rechargeable fans to the IDPs in Salah Al-Deen (Mo’atassem, Dijlah and Es’haqy camps) and to the IDPs Anbar governorate(Ameriya Al-Fallujah new camps that inhabited by Fallujah New displaced families) as a first step of the Urgent relief project for Iraq (we are with you campaign) which is funded by IICO in Kuwait which is also provided medications for UIMS PHCCs  In Anbar(Al-Salam and Al-Amal PHCCs) and Salah Al-Din (Al-Taawn and Al-Muatasem PHCCs)

Distribution In Salah Al-Deen

Distribution In Anbar

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