
UIMS is mobilizing four Mobile Medical Clinics to receive IDPs families from Al-Hawija district:

UIMS is mobilizing four Mobile Medical Clinics to receive IDPs families from Al-Hawija district:

Under the direct supervision of civilian crisis management cell in the office of Iraqi Prime Minister. Funding by IHPF (Iraqi Humanitarian pooled fund), and supporting by WHO (World Health Organization). In a proactive step, UIMS (United Iraqi Medical Society for Relief & Development) is mobilizing four Mobile Medical clinics. (Two of them in Tal Al-Sibat region in Tikrit district/ Salah Al-Dain province). In addition, the two other MMC in Al-Zab district that related to Al-Hawija district/ Kirkuk province, to receive the IDPs Families who are displaced from Al-Hawija district.

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